Spotify Playlists

Want your song to be added to our playlists?

We are lucky enough to receive a lot of music every single day, and we have limited time to attend all submissions.

That’s why we rely on submission platforms. There we can listen to your music properly and give you feedback.

If you contact us by email or Instagram, it may take literally weeks for us to respond. That’s why we encourage you to use one of the following platforms to reach us.

Here you will find other playlist curators to send your music to:


You will be able to contact thousands of playlist curators, influencers, bloggers, media, labels, bookers from all over the world. The platform has been active since 2015. Follow the link, you will find a 10% discount for your next campaign.


With over 4,000 verified Playlists, they also have TikTok curators. Using the coupon code XFK86YR you will have a discount of 7.5% on your first campaign.

Sound Campaign

They have an algoryhtm based on style to reach curators. You "don't get to choose" which curators you are submitting to. Submission approval ratios are fair enough though, worth giving it a try!


You will find playlist curators, influencers, bloggers, media, labels and bookers. Most of them based in Europe.

Daily Playlists

You can send your song for free to a maximum of 25 curators per month, but there is no feedback unless you contract premium submissions.

Can’t wait to listen to your music, see you soon!